read these words and draw a matching picture - as a challege you could write the word too.
Pause the video at your favourite page.
Can you recreate that picture with the things you have at home?
Get your adult to take the photo using the purple mash selfie page.
After can you write what you think the boy would be saying?
Supplies Needed
Determine how many materials you want to test and how many ramps you want to have available. This is fun inside or outside! Leave one ramp free of materials as a test ramp. Secure your materials to the other ramps as needed. Determine how you will set up the ramps. We used stairs, but you can also stack books. Gather your cars and kids!
Ask lots of questions! Before they test out the cars, invite the kids guess which texture might slow down the car or speed it up as it goes down the ramp. Make predictions on which cars will go faster or slower. Let the kids race cars down the different ramps. If appropriate, you can use a measuring tape to see how far the cars travel off the ramp. Which car goes the farthest? Which car is the slowest? Which car crashes, falls off the ramp, or doesn’t make it to the end?
After a fun time exploring your cars and ramps - can you draw a picture of what you did? Your adult can do the writing for you.
what was the best ramp?
what slowed the cars down?
how far did your cars travel?