Welcome to PSHE at Mill Hill Primary School
P.S.H.E. (Personal Health and Social Education) is when we learn about ways to look after our physical health and our mental wellbeing, so that we can understand changes we may experience through our lives.
At the heart of Mill Hill Primary School are our values of Compassion, Respect, Commitment and Success, which drive all our learning. We believe that by encouraging our whole school community to demonstrate these values, we will develop well-rounded, caring, ambitious pupils, who understand their place in the community and the wider world. The PSHE Curriculum links with these values, ensuring that the children can relate to them in a real-life context.
At Mill Hill Primary School we teach the PSHE Curriculum through the SCARF scheme. SCARF has been developed by Coram Life Education and uses child-friendly characters, led by Harold the giraffe, which help our children explore the concepts covered.
The acronym, SCARF, is created by taking the first letter of each of the key areas:
Following the SCARF scheme, a different concept is visited each half term, with the same concept being returned to in subsequent years, to deepen the learning, ensuring coverage over both the single year and across their primary learning.
Lessons are usually delivered once a week, but are supplemented by other learning opportunities, where possible, including SCARF educator-led workshops.
In order to meet the obligations of the revised Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum, the Growing and Changing unit is taught in the second half of the summer term. This unit is also taught during the same week, or weeks, across the school, and parents are informed. We see the link with parents as being vital, allowing the children to see that their learning is supported by both school and home.
At Mill Hill Primary School, we strive to equip our pupils with the tools that will ensure that they leave us understanding themselves as an individual, the world around them, their role within it and with a sense of ambition to be successful in their future lives.
The SCARF units, once completed, provide teachers with an opportunity to assess the children, deciding whether they have achieved that unit's learning objectives, or whether they are working towards it, or have been able to demonstrate it at a greater depth.
However, equally as important are the observations made by the teachers, during the lessons, as this will allow them to revisit a specific point, or area, should they feel it needs further learning opportunities. The PSHE curriculum is, by definition, about developing personal education and it is important that the teaching and assessing of it, keeps the individual at the centre at all times.
We hope our pupils, at the end of their learning journey with us at Mill Hill, will leave with a firm sense of themselves and a desire to find their role in the wider world.