Welcome to the governor section of the school website. Here is a little of who we are and what we do.
The governors are responsible for monitoring the management of the school, to assist in achieving the best results for its pupils. We review the creation and delivery of its teaching strategy, the school culture and environment, and its finances.
We have 3 core functions as a board:
The school’s senior leadership team is responsible for the day to day running of the school and they work hard to implement the Strategic Plans. The governors monitor, challenge and support the leadership in its provision of the best all-round education for all the children.
The board has a mixture of skills and abilities, consisting of members of the school (the Head
Teacher and one or more teachers, plus a representative from the Local Authority) and independent volunteers (one or more parents and several non-parents).
Each parent and non-parent governor is responsible for monitoring and reporting on specific areas of the school’s operation, for example Special Needs, safeguarding, curriculum etc… Regular meetings are held to review these reports, along with progress in other areas such as pupil performance and school finances.
School monitoring takes about half a day per area, once per school term. We meet as a governing board at least every half term; these meetings generally last no longer than 2 hours.
If you are interested in becoming a governor, or wish to contact me, please ring the school office, leave your contact details, and I will reply to you as soon as I can.
Mrs Elisabeth Hesling
Chair of Governors
Mill Hill Primary School
Meet the Governors
Name: Tracy Morgan
Position: Headteacher
Date Appointed: 01/04/2018
Term of Office: N/A
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Governor at Stoke Park Infant School
Meetings Attended 2022/23: 100%
Name: Emma Charles
Position: Vice Chair of Governors/Co-Opted Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: Headteacher Performance Management, EYFS, Pupil Premium
Date Appointed: 15/12/2020
Term of Office: 4 Years, end date
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Works in education.
Meetings Attended 2022/23: 75%
Name: Claire Branscombe
Position: Co-Opted Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: Training Governor
Date Appointed: 15/12/2020
Term of Office: 4 Years, end date 14/12/2024
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Employed at Mill Hill Primary School
Meetings Attended 2022/23: 100%
Name: Joanna Barclay
Position: Parent Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: Pay Committee, SEN Governor
Date Appointed: 19/11/2021
Term of Office: 4 Years, end date 18/11/2025
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:
Meetings Attended 2022/23: 88%
Name: Elisabeth Hesling
Position: Chair of Governors
Responsibilities/Committees: Finance
Date Appointed: 9/10/2023
Term of Office: 4 Years, end date 8/10/2027
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Related to a staff member at Mill Hill Primary School
Meetings Attended 2022/23: N/A
If you would like to see a copy of the minutes and documentation from any Governor meeting, please contact Ms Rapley at the school office, who can arrange this for you.