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Mill Hill Primary School

Learning for a Lifetime

CompassionWe show care and consideration to everyone

RespectWe value everyone and everything

CommitmentWe set our goal and work hard to achieve this

SuccessWe are proud of ourselves and celebrate this


Our SEN vision:

Individualised provision, with a holistic approach, based on understanding and partnership.


Mill Hill Primary School is an inclusive mainstream school with a core purpose to provide the best educational experience for every child. We believe children learn best when they are happy, well cared for and secure in themselves. Relationships within the school are therefore based upon mutual respect.

Our aim is to nurture respectful, aspirational learners who are successful at their highest possible level. We consider each part or our school day from the experiences of our most vulnerable learners and ensure we design our systems, procedures and learning experiences with this in mind. Every morning a number of our children will begin their day taking part in a sensory circuit to ensure they are calm, alert and focused ready to learn.


Our Inclusion Manager (SENCo) is Mrs Claire Branscombe.

If you would like to speak to our SENCo, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 02392256955



Sensory Circuits


This following documents outline the provision offered at Mill Hill Primary School.
