Crime and Punishment
This half term we explored how laws have been developed through the centuries, shaping the legal system that we have today. We took it right back to the Anglo Saxons and their different trials - trial by fire or water, for example - moved on to the witch trials and brought it right back up to date with the modern legal system.
During our learning, we had a virtual link up with Elizabeth Fry - or at least an actress who played her - who had worked tirelessly to improve the lives of prisoners in Victorian England, we imagined we were in an Anglo Saxon trial, we created models of the witches dunking chair and even learned how courtroom artists capture the events inside a courtroom, as cameras are not allowed in during a trial.
Ukulele Concert
After a whole term of learning the ukulele, we finally got the chance to perform to our parents at an end of term concert, and it was amazing!