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Mill Hill Primary School

Learning for a Lifetime

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SuccessWe are proud of ourselves and celebrate this

Spring 1 - Winter Olympics

Winter Olympics has been our topic for this half term.  Through this, we learned about all of the different extreme sports that will be part of this year's competition.


For geography, we carried out a mini study on Alaska, to develop our understanding about the weather conditions in a cold country as how this helps to develop the different sports that we have been investigating.  As a contrast, we also looked at Jamaica as this linked into our design and technology project of making bobsleighs.


To make the bobsleighs, we had to use a lot of sweat and muscle as we developed our sawing skills.  This was at times quite tricky as we had to evaluate and edit the design during the making process, but through our resilience, we successfully completed this task.  
