How many ladybirds were there at first? Then what happened to the ladybirds? How many ladybirds are there now? How do we write this as a calculation?
You'll need:
objects to count with
1 dice.
Today we are going to continue to practice our subtractions ( take away). Its really important that we use objects to help with the counting too.
Roll the dice to see how many ladybirds flew away, for each of these problems.
Watch the story, and think about why the caterpillar had such a stomach ache at the end of the week.
He needs to eat a little more healthily - and we are going to show him how.
Lets create a delicious fruit kebab for all the family.
Take 7 wooden skewers and thread the following fruit onto each – 1 raspberry, 1 hulled strawberry, 1 tangerine segment, 1 cube of peeled mango, 1 chunk of peeled pineapple, 1 chunk of peeled kiwi, 1 green and 1 red grape, and finish off with 2 blueberries. Arrange in a rainbow shape and let everyone help themselves.