Welcome Back Rabbits - I hope you enjoyed the half term.
Please follow the link above for this half terms remote learning.
When the children are using purple mash - They now have their own tray to save their work in.
It currently has their name on it. I will work on it to add their photos.
Dear Rabbit
It is really import that you join me every day at 9am and again at 1pm for our live sessions.
We will share stories and I will teach you the skills that you will need to access the days learning.
You will find each day's activities saved above in the correct day of the week.
Not forgetting that you can also access Purple Mash
Some work can be saved directly into purple mash and I can see it and I will respond as soon as I can. Other activities will need to be photographed and emailed to the following address. Please put Rabbits in the subject line.
Thank you
Mrs. Bradley