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Mill Hill Primary School

Learning for a Lifetime

CompassionWe show care and consideration to everyone

RespectWe value everyone and everything

CommitmentWe set our goal and work hard to achieve this

SuccessWe are proud of ourselves and celebrate this

Marvellous Me

Congratulation Owls Class - you have successfully completed your first half term here at Mill Hill Primary School. 



Our First Few Days

We have had a very busy half term learning about our class and new friends, and all about our new school. We have thought about how special we are, looking at our similarities and differences. We have talked a lot about our families and developing our new friendships. 

We love snack and chat time

We worked hard to paint our portraits, we used mirrors, different brush sizes and we discussed what colours we would need. 

We have loved exploring the school library, listening to stories, sharing books and choosing books to take home. 
