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Mill Hill Primary School

Learning for a Lifetime

CompassionWe show care and consideration to everyone

RespectWe value everyone and everything

CommitmentWe set our goal and work hard to achieve this

SuccessWe are proud of ourselves and celebrate this


Lesson 9 - er bigger

Our Learning to Blend lessons give additional blending practise for children. They are not suitable for Reception children in the Autumn Term as they contain...




I hope that you are dressed for world book day. Please remember to send in your photos - I really ant to see them. I know that you love to dress up. 

Flotsam By David Wiesner

While collecting Flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore - a young boy stumbles across a barnacle-encrusted underwater camera, with its own s...

Once you have watched this video - pause on your favourite page. Then write a list of objects that you can see. 



Make sure you go an a walk - maybe you'll find some amazing treasures -  take a camera just in case, what did you take a photo of? 


can you take a selfie? what about using some of those filters.. have some fun. 
