Letters and sounds.
Look carefully at these words then read the out loud.
Now write 6 of these words adding the beans underneath.
Follow the link to play the game.
How many cubes are there?
How many cubes would you double to make 12?
can you make that with objects? (beads, lego)
Which statement does this match? (6+6 and 2its double 6")
Does 12 +12 match the picture? why not?
Record them in your book.
How do you know if you got them all?
Did you notice a pattern?
Topic: Design Technology.
Grown up's: Next week the children will need an old odd sock to design and make a sock puppet. Raid those washing baskets!!
Rabbits today we are going to make a simple finger puppet.
Follow these instructions to make your own puppets.
Can you make up your own puppet shows?