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Mill Hill Primary School

Learning for a Lifetime

CompassionWe show care and consideration to everyone

RespectWe value everyone and everything

CommitmentWe set our goal and work hard to achieve this

SuccessWe are proud of ourselves and celebrate this


Mr Thorne Does Phonics - Episode AIR

Join in with Geraldine as she learns about our new sound 'air'

Can you find things around your home that have that sounds? draw and label them in your book.

Children's book read aloud. 'THE STORM WHALE'

Join us at the Storytime Castle for lots of great children's stories read out loud.

This is our class book. Please watch and enjoy. You can come back to it lots of times. 

Look closely at the picture above. 


Talk with your grown up about all the different things you can see. 

Remember to talk in full sentences: I can see.....


In your learning books: I would like you to write 3 sentences about 3 different things you see in the picture. Please keep you writing to the lined area of the book. 


-starting with the tricky word 'I'

-writing in full sentences

- carefully thinking about all the sounds you can hear. 


Challenge: Use a word to describe the object you have seen. 


I can seen a little green plant. 


If you are feeling creative, you can draw and colour the objects you have seen. 

PE With Joe

We love Joe.

Make some space ant get the whole family moving.

Have lots of fun.

Follow the link to read the book and complete the activities.
