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Mill Hill Primary School

Learning for a Lifetime

CompassionWe show care and consideration to everyone

RespectWe value everyone and everything

CommitmentWe set our goal and work hard to achieve this

SuccessWe are proud of ourselves and celebrate this

Autumn 1 - Extreme Survival

During this topic, we've looked at places that are challenging to live in, such as the hottest places in the world and the coldest.  We've explored how the Bedouin people cope with life in the desert and how the Inuit people have adapted to the changing environment of the polar north.  We even tried our hand at building our own shelter in the Nature Trail!
Take a look at some of our work... Can you spot any of your own work in there, Caterpillars?

Wednesday 14th October - Portsmouth Darts Club

We were so lucky that Mrs Bradley had been able to organise for each class to have a session with the PDC.  They showed us how to hold the darts properly, where to stand on the oche and how to throw them.  It was awesome - thank you Mrs Bradley!

Thursday 22nd October - Wellbeing Morning

We had a wonderful morning, making some great memories - as well as a fantastic photo booth!  We decorated the booth's frame with letters, which said "Team Caterpillars", before creating our own accessories - all made of yellow, to match our theme of wearing a yellow accessory.


We all agreed we had a super morning and it was lovely to finish the half term in such a fun way!  It certainly was a positive experience and perfect for our mental wellbeing...
