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Mill Hill Primary School

Learning for a Lifetime

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CommitmentWe set our goal and work hard to achieve this

SuccessWe are proud of ourselves and celebrate this


Intent, Implementation and Impact of PE


The national curriculum for Physical Education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Pupils will develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities. 
  • They are physically active for sustained periods of time. 
  • Children engage in competitive sports and activities. 
  • They lead healthy, active lives. 



At Mill Hill Primary School we recognise the importance of Physical Education to a child’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional development as well as the role it can play in a child’s spiritual, moral and cultural development. Physical Education develops the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities. Physical Education promotes an understanding in children of their bodies in action. It involves thinking, selecting and applying skills and promotes attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle. We aim to provide a broad and balanced P.E. curriculum to aid children’s increasing self-confidence in their ability to manage themselves and their bodies within a variety of movement situations. A balance of individual, team, cooperative and competitive activities aims to cater for individual pupil’s needs and abilities.  Daily physical activity and health enhancing activities also play a crucial role in our offer to pupils. This includes: active lessons, active break and lunchtimes. 



In EYFS, PE is one of the Prime Areas of Learning and underpins the development of other skills such as reading, writing and attention. As such, it is given lots of focus and is encouraged using both the indoor and outdoor provision. Specific areas and resources have been developed for children to learn and practise specific skills including balancing, climbing, jumping, throwing and catching, kicking and moving in a range of ways. They also access a one hour discrete PE lesson each week which focuses on developing a particular skill using a varied range of equipment including parachutes, benches, balls, mats and climbing apparatus.  Additional opportunities for short bursts of movement are built in throughout the day with the use of yoga, malleable area and active storytelling; using iMoves and Cosmic Kids to support when appropriate. Children are given opportunities during their PE lessons and appropriate activities within provision to observe and discuss the physical effects that being active has on their bodies. They are encouraged to talk about how they link to 'being healthy'. Adults plan focus activities during the academic year which enable the children to explore a range of foods and develop an understanding of which are healthy or unhealthy and the reasons why.


At mill Hill Primary we have  adopted the Val Sabin Schemes of work to teach our PE across the school. This scheme ensures that children are given a wealth of opportunities to develop their physical movement skills as well as achieving whole child objectives. These are adapted by the class teachers to meet the needs of the cohorts.


In KS1, children are taught  one hour long PE sessions a week teaching a variety of invasion games, dance, gymnastics and outdoor adventurous activities. Children build on the fundamental skills taught in EYFS and aim to master basic skill movements such as running, throwing, jumping and catching as well as beginning to develop balance, agility and coordination. Children are introduced to team games as well as individual sports. Basic tactics are introduced to the children as well as competitive sports whether that be competing against other children, teams or themselves. A healthy lifestyle is taught through Science in Year 2, building on prior knowledge from EYFS.


In KS2, children are also taught one-hour long PE session a week teaching a variety of invasion games, dance, gymnastics, Swimming (Year 5) and outdoor adventurous activities. Children will learn how to apply all skills taught throughout their school journey in isolation and combination. They develop an understanding of how to improve, evaluate themselves and others and recognise their own success. There is a bigger focus in both competition against themselves or other children for example in athletics and basketball. Children are also provided with swimming lessons throughout Year 5 to allow them to meet the objectives outlined in the National Curriculum. PE is adapted when necessary to ensure it is fully inclusive and all children are engaged. 


KS1 and KS2, class teachers follow the PE Progression of Skills Document. The aim of this is to see a clear progression of skills throughout their school journey. Class teacher regularly tract children's progress against key skills and report these to parents at the end of the year.  In the Summer term there is a whole school Sports Day where parents are invited in to support their children.



The pupils will leave Mill Hill Primary School as skilful and confident performers.  They will have the ability to select and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas to suit activities that need different approaches and ways of thinking. They will set targets for themselves and compete against others. They will understand what it takes to persevere, succeed and acknowledge others’ success. They will take the initiative, lead activities and focus on improving performances. They will have the knowledge to lead healthy and active lives and make positive life choices. They have developed positive attitudes to participation in physical activity and embed values such as fairness and respect.
