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Mill Hill Primary School

Learning for a Lifetime

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Lesson 1 - Learning to Blend

Our Learning to Blend lessons give additional blending practise for children. They are not suitable for Reception children in the Autumn Term as they contain...

Please remember you must keep practsing your phase 3 sounds and your tricky words. 
This video is some extra reading practise - helping to blend letters to read words. 

This morning I would like you to work on Purple mash - I have changed the pins to link with our new topic - Down in the Garden. 



Explore the pic for minibeasts.. Can you solve the ladybird puzzle? 

Once you have completed it - come back later in to see if you can beat your time. 


I would like you to draw a picture of a ladybird, and label all the different parts. 


elytra is a hard word - we can also call it the shell. 



Today as we are officially in spring we will be thinking about baby animals and matching them to their mummies. 


Can you remember who's mummy this is? 



That's right - it is a ladybird. We might get to see some in the garden soon. 


This afternoon log back into mini mash - select the first pin: baby animals, then play the card game - matching pairs. 



Later in the afternoon maybe you could go into your own garden or while on a family walk look for signs of spring. 


