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Mill Hill Primary School

Learning for a Lifetime

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Spring 2 & Summer 1 - Pioneers

In Spring 2, we started our 'Pioneers' topic. This topic is split in two halves, with the first half focusing on the Victorian period and the many inventions that came about,and the second half focusing on the key figure, Neil Armstrong and his journey to the moon.


We spent the first part plotting where the Victorians fell on our time line, looking at what the 'past' means and discussing where it falls in comparison with the Great Fire of London. We learnt about how this time period was named after the reigning monarch of the time, 'Queen Victoria' and enjoyed creating some detailed portraits of her. Many inventions were pioneered during this time, such as the telephone, flushing toilet, camera and steam train. We focused on the how a steam train works and how this completely transformed people's lives. For the first time they could travel and go to the seaside! Finally we focused on Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and the impact he has had on our lives today. Rabbits enjoyed creating a clay sculpture of SS Great Britain. 


In the summer, we moved on to looking at Neil Armstrong. We spent time creating space badges and hats and had our own space simulation in the classroom! Rabbits were fascinated by Armstrong, and enjoyed learning about him and his journey to the moon. We finished by having our own astronaut training week, where we made astronaut food, trained like astronauts and also tested our agility with problem solving tasks. 

Astronaut Training!

Victorian Inventions
